Noah Lyles went viral when he shared the following after his 100 M win in the Paris Olympics this week.

“I have Asthma, allergies, dyslexia, ADD, anxiety, and Depression. But I will tell you that what you have does not define what you can become. Why Not You!”

Heck yeah.  Why NOT you?

I have asked myself that same question more times than I can count, even named my company after it (the “WNY” in WNY People Development actually stands for “why not you”) and most of the time, it’s turned out pretty good.

For instance, “Why not me…”

  • Try out for a professional dance team? OUTCOME:  I made it, and had the opportunity to dance in front of thousands.
  • Accept a job that moves me to a state where I know no one? OUTCOME:  Met my future husband 6 months later; we’ll celebrate 15 years of marriage this October.
  • Run for office as an unknown on the political scene? OUTCOME:  Won the election, and was top voter getter!
  • Write a book about leadership? OUTCOME:  “CheerLEADERship” will be released November 12; it’s gaining support and showing strong presale numbers!

The reality is, nothing in life happens without risk.  If you want the same outcome, continue doing the same thing, but sometimes we need to get out of our comfort zones to achieve greatness, personally and/or professionally.

Let’s address the elephant in the room, fear.  We all have it, whether we like to admit it or not.  It’s that little voice inside your head that tells you “no” or “I can’t”, “I’m not good enough”, or “I’m going to fail.”  But here’s the thing, fear is just a feeling…it’s not fact.  Why let it hold you back from chasing your dreams and reaching your full potential?

Taking risks, whether it’s starting a new business, asking for a promotion, or even just putting yourself out there in social situations, can be scary.  But it can also be incredibly rewarding.  When you take risks, you open yourself up to new opportunities, growth, and success.  And hey, even if things don’t work out exactly as planned, at least you can say you tried, and I guarantee you learned something.

Think about all the successful people out there;  they didn’t get to where they are by playing it safe.  They took chances, made mistakes, and learned from them.  So why not you?  Why not take that leap of faith and see where it takes you?  Noah Lyles wouldn’t have become the fastest man alive if he had allowed a negative little voice to define him, and what a tragedy that would have been to suppress the talent he so clearly has.

On a personal level, taking risks can lead to personal growth, increased self-confidence, and a greater sense of fulfillment.  And on a professional level, it can open doors to new career opportunities, increased earning potential, and a chance to make a real impact in your field.

So next time you find yourself hesitating to take a risk, ask yourself, why not me?  Why not take a chance and see what amazing things could happen?  Life is short, so go for it.  Remember, it’s better to have tried and failed than to have never tried at all.  So go out there and take those risks. Who knows, you might just surprise yourself with what you’re capable of.

Why not you?

#whynotyou #peopledevelopmentwithpurpose #thursdaythoughts #leadership #leadershipdevelopment #takerisks #noahlyles #olympics2024

Stefanie Adams is a leadership training facilitator, keynote speaker, adjunct professor, former elected official, wife, and mother based in Wilmington, NC. She earned her M.Ed. in Multicultural Education in 2008, and has over 20 years experience leading and training in corporate, non-profit, and government settings. Her passion is developing emerging leaders, building collaborative teams, and creating positive workspaces as Chief Empowerment Officer of WNY People Development.  On 11/12/2024, her book “CheerLEADERship:  Strategies to Build and Support Human-Centric Workplaces for the Future” will be released through Amplify Publishing.

Launched in February 2020, WNY People Development provides virtual and in person training, coaching, and keynote speaking topics for leaders at all levels, and organizations of all sizes. WNY People Development partners with clients to develop relevant, impactful, and skill building training options for employees, particularly front line and first time leaders, Millennial and Gen Z workforce; we create programming that drives improved culture and morale, builds competencies, engages teams, and propels growth through interactive, relevant, and fun sessions. A La Carte courses, and service agreement options available depending on client need. Learn more at